Parts Washing Applications & Industries Served
Each StingRay Parts Washer is a pre-designed Configured Industrial Parts Washing Solution. Our unique aqueous washer design allows us to easily configure an industrial cleaning machine specifically for your needs from our pre-designed options. Your parts washer configuration is equivalent to getting a custom parts washer. StingRay offers 116 options and features on every industrial parts washer that tailors your washing machine specifically for your cleaning application. Talk to our Parts Washer Application Specialist about your aqueous part washing needs.

StingRay Industrial Parts Washer Applications Include:
- High-Volume Parts Applications
- Military Applications
- Aircraft Wheel Parts Washer
- Aircraft Brake Parts Washer
- Aircraft Bearing Parts Washer
- Transmission Parts Washer
- Electric Motor Parts Washer
- Diesel Engine Block Parts Washer
- Caterpillar Diesel Engine Parts Washer
- Large Parts Washer
- Rail Bearing Parts Washer
- Locomotive Crankcase Washer
- Steel Mill Bearing Parts Washer
- Aluminum Die Extrusion
- Wind Turbine Gearbox Parts Washer
- Paint Stripping and Paint Removal
- Tree Sap, Pitch & Resin Removal
- Ink Pail & Ink Tote Parts Washer
- Cosmoline Removal
- Dykem Removal
- Wastewater Evaporation
- Wastewater Processing