Large, Larger, Super Large Parts Washers
StingRay specializes in extra large parts washers that are ideal for large reman shops with heavy duty cleaning requirements like large mining diesel engine repair, large gear case cleaning for wind turbine, power transmission and large electric motor repair. Just being big is not enough, to make a large parts washer clean properly requires large pumping systems and high output heat. StingRay has both in the large parts washer line.
StingRay SR13648 large parts washer loading of CAT C175-20 Diesel Engine block
Both industrial and commercial shops benefit from the wide range of available StingRay Parts Washer options. All the configured features on standard Stingray parts washers are available on StingRay large parts washers. Plus StingRay Parts Washer can configure a tall parts washer work height of 180 inches or more, manufacture a large parts washer turntable diameter up to 210 inches, and make high load capacity parts washers up to 100,000 pounds. High output heat systems of 3.6 M btu/hr and pump systems of 140 hp and 350 hp compliment the StingRay Large Parts Washer cleaning ability.
Mining shovel gear is loaded into StingRay commercial parts washer
StingRay SR12090 large parts washer installed in pit
Typical uses
- Mining equipment
- Rolling Mill gear case
- wind turbine gear
- locomotive crankcase
- Off-Road truck transmission
- Diesel engine block
- large Electric motor
- and many other heavy and large parts
StingRay SR12090 Large Parts Washer for pit mount with scraper
Large Parts Washer Specifications
- Turntable Diameter up to: 210 inches (5.33M)
- Work Height up to: 180 inches or more (4.57M)
- Weight Capacity: up to 100,000 pounds (Weight Capacity: up to 45,000 Kgs)
- Pump Sizes: 140 hp and 350 hp quadroplex (Pump Sizes: 104 kW and 260 kW)
- Heat input: up to 3,6 Mbtu/hr (1,000 kW)
StingRay large parts washer SR12090 door open
Large Parts Washer Specification Sheets:
USA Data
- SR10090 Parts Washer
- SR12090 Parts Washer
- SR13648 Parts Washer
- SR15060 Parts Washer
Metric Data
- SR10090 Parts Washer
- SR12090 Parts Washer
- SR13648 Parts Washer
- SR15060 Parts Washer